Shepherding a Child's Heart

(Barré) #1

(^) Application Questions for Chapter 15
(^) 1. What Scriptural principles should guide the “when” of using
the rod of correction?
(^) 2. What elements should be present in the “how” of using the
rod of correction?
(^) 3. What problem within your children requires the use of the
rod of correction?
(^) 4. Which of the “most frequently asked questions” were yours?
(^) 5. How can the rod provide valuable opportunities to help your
children see their need of Christ’s work?
(^) 6. What would you say to someone who said that spanking is an
outmoded concept that robs children of their dignity?
(^) 7. Which is easier for you, spanking or talking? How can you
avoid imbalance in this matter?

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