Shepherding a Child's Heart

(Barré) #1

to express his independence from you in constructive ways?

(^) 2. Do you discern any rebellion that may be linked to earlier
mistakes in your parenting? What can you do to open discussion of
those things?
(^) 3. Are you comfortable with helping your child see God as
awesome and fearful? How can you explore the implications of
Hebrews 12:29 which states that “... our God is a consuming fire?”
(^) 4. What portions of the Word of God can you read with them to
underscore this aspect of God’s character?
(^) 5. What can you do to provide contexts for parental instruction
that is timely for your teens?
(^) 6. Are you willing to share your personal experience as a venue
for helping your kids think about God’s ways?
(^) 7. What would be some profitable Bible study projects for you
and your teens?
(^) 8. Are you providing a home in which your teenager feels loved
and accepted? Are his friends welcome in your home, whether they
are believers or not?
(^) 9. What can you do to provide a special sense of belonging for
your children?

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