Shepherding a Child's Heart

(Barré) #1

it to us for inspection. We rejoiced to see that her conclusion was a
Christian critique of the problem and solutions that reflect that
Christian faith is the only source of deep and final healing.

(^) 2. Developing friendships with adults. There are two elements of
(^) A) Making friends with adults within the church and
B) Developing nurturing and constructive friendships and
relationships among their peers.

  1. Discovering and developing their peculiar ministry niche. This
    involves understanding how God has equipped them to contribute to
    his people. It will also entail a deepening sense of mutuality with
    others and becoming established corporately with the people of God.
    You cannot make this happen. You can only hope to shepherd the

(^) 4. Determining a career in which they can fulfill the cultural
mandate and God’s command that they support themselves and share
with others in need. Your role here is to facilitate their understanding
of their strengths and weaknesses. Suppress the desire to make them
into what you want them to be. Help them make choices that will
bring them success in what they want to be.
(^) 5. Establishment of their own home and family identity as a
member of the society and a part of the church of Christ. You can
help them guard the integrity of their new family relationships.
Practice godly wisdom in your expectations of them. Let go of that
part of your previous relationship. Your relationship must change for
them to establish a home and family before God. Remember, the
parent-child relationship is temporary. The husband-wife relationship
is permanent. “For this reason a man will leave his father and his
mother (temporary relationship) and be united to his wife, and they
will become one flesh (permanent relationship)” (Genesis 2:24).
(^) 6. Development of a mature relationship with parents. This

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