Shepherding a Child's Heart

(Barré) #1

involves a relationship of mutuality and, as God’s providence allows,
shared ministry.

Entrusting Your Children to God

(^) The parenting task comes to an end. We are no longer the on-site
shepherds. That aspect of our relationship is done. This will be true
whether they marry or just take their place as an adult in their
community. God intends for parenting to be a temporary task.
(^) In the final analysis, you must entrust your children to God. How
they turn out will depend on more than what you have done in
providing shaping influences. It will depend on the nature of their
Godward commitment. Ultimately, you leave them to God, knowing
that you can entrust your children to the God who has dealt so
graciously with you.
Application Questions for Chapter 19
(^) 1. If you find your relationship strained, what can you do to
promote understanding and healing? Are there things that you must
repent of and seek forgiveness for?
(^) 2. Are you using gentle reproofs and pleasant speech to
influence your teens with insights drawn from the Scripture?
(^) 3. Have you learned to shepherd your teenager through periods
of doubt and confusion about faith? Are you willing to help them
explore their questions and confusion?
(^) 4. What are good times for you to address things with your
teenager? When do you find openness and receptivity to interaction?
(^) 5. Are you consciously raising your children to leave? Does
your vision for shepherding blend into a relationship of mutuality
with adult children?

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