Shepherding a Child's Heart

(Barré) #1

considered having fun together. Fun together is not a bad idea, but it
is light years away from directing your child in the ways of God.

(^) In contrast to this, Genesis 18 calls fathers to direct their children
to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just. Being a
parent means working in God’s behalf to provide direction for your
children. Directors are in charge. It involves knowing and helping
them to understand God’s standard for children’s behavior. It means
teaching them that they are sinners by nature. It includes pointing
them to the mercy and grace of God shown in Christ’s life and death
for sinners.
Humility in Your Task
(^) Understanding that you function as God’s agents can keep you
sharply focused and humble as parents. It is sobering to realize that
you correct your child by God’s command. You stand before him as
God’s agent to show him his sin. Just as an ambassador is conscious
of functioning in behalf of the country that has sent him, so the parent
must be aware of the fact that he is God’s representative to the child. I
know of no realization that will sober and humble the parent like this
(^) On many occasions, I have had to seek the forgiveness of my
children for my anger or sinful response. I have had to say, “Son, I
sinned against you. I spoke in unholy anger. I said things I should not
have said. I was wrong. God has given me a sacred task, and I have
brought my unholy anger into this sacred mission. Please forgive
(^) Your focus can be sharpened by the realization that discipline is
not you working on your agenda, venting your wrath toward your
children; it is you coming as God’s representative, bringing the
reproofs of life to your son or your daughter. You only muddy the
waters when the bottom line in discipline is your displeasure over
their behavior, rather than God’s displeasure with rebellion against

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