Shepherding a Child's Heart

(Barré) #1

culture. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, scores of young adults
rejected etiquette in an attempt to be real and unpretending. Either
reaction is a casualty of manners detached from the biblical moorings
of being a servant.

Good Education

(^) In my years as a school administrator, I have met scores of parents
whose goal for their children was a good education. These parents are
driven. They will work with Suzie for hours each night. They coach
and prod, they encourage and warn, they will stop at nothing to have
their child succeed. Their goal is seeing their child achieve academic
awards and scholarly recognition. They are persuaded that education
brings success. Unfortunately, scores of disillusioned and broken
people are thoroughly educated. It is possible to be well-educated and
still not understand life.
(^) Some parents have no noble goal at all; they simply want to
control their children. These parents want their children to mind, to
behave, to be good, to be nice. They remind their children of how
things were when they were youngsters. Frequently they employ the
“tried and true” methods of discipline—whatever their parents did
that seemed to work. They want children who are manageable. They
want them to do the right thing (whatever that is at the moment). The
bottom line is to control their kids. But the control is not directed
toward specific character development objectives. The concern is
personal convenience and public appearance.
The Biblical Warning Against Cultural Influence
(^) Any student of the Old Testament knows that God was concerned
about Israel’s susceptibility to influence from the people of Canaan.
He commanded Israel to drive the nations out, to show no mercy. God
knew that if the people of Canaan lived alongside Israel, they would

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