The great ailment of modern society is our grave inability to be with
ourselves. We are so anxious, perplexed, and lacking peace. Why?
Because we are disconnected from our essence. If we were connected to
our inner being, we wouldn’t destroy each other, and now the planet
itself, in our manic quest for power. When we are simply being, the need
for control is relinquished for a sense of oneness and personal
empowerment. By paying attention to our inner being, we automatically
develop a reverence for life and compassion for all beings, especially
those with less power.
Once we realize that the answer to our children’s anxiety isn’t found in
the external world but in their internal landscape, rather than
encouraging them to seek immediate external gratification to calm their
anxiety, we teach them to engage their imagination. If we are a conscious
parent, we are patient and therefore in no hurry to impose every activity
and piece of knowledge on our child. We recognize that childhood isn’t
the time for the fruit to come to fruition, but the time to plant seed. We
also understand that it’s our children’s choice to water whichever seeds
they will, guided by their innate wisdom and sense of destiny. In other
words, a conscious parent trusts implicitly the child’s intuition
concerning its destiny. To live consciously means to focus not on the
outcome but the process, not on the perfection of an activity but on our
courage to learn from our mistakes. It’s to be aware that the present is
the only moment of relevance. It’s to trust life to be a constant, willing,
and wise teacher.
To live in a state of being requires you to connect to your inner pulse.
When you work from this centered, still place, all activity that arises is
michael s
(Michael S)