Having said this, I’m not unaware of the growing body of evidence
that a child is subject to profound influences in utero, which can affect
the child’s demeanor, temperament, and capacity to embrace life fully.
Also, for not all women does pregnancy occur as a welcome event, a
factor that can have a profound effect on the developing child. Because
any chemical bath the mother generates while pregnant flows instantly
into the bloodstream of the infant, including negative stress hormones, to
parent consciously as early as possible in a child’s life becomes all the
more important. Still, any step toward conscious parenting, no matter
when this step is taken in a child’s development, is better than none at
At every opportunity, encourage your children to listen to their inner
voice, love the process of learning, enjoy the mastery of a skill, revel in
taking a risk, and laugh at themselves when they fail. This is how you
teach them to manifest their true creative potential. More than this, they
will teach you how you can unleash yours!
The inability to value the spaciousness of free time is learned. Our
children pick up restlessness by osmosis as we teach them to rely on
being busy all the time. They then grow up to be adults who can’t enjoy
being alone in their own body, but must instead always be at a nightclub,
with friends, or working.
To be able to flow from state to state, children don’t require gadgets or
other forms of distraction. They are able to adjust from one state of
being to another quite easily once we cease our interference. Indeed,