The Conscious Parent

(Michael S) #1
Once    our parenting   is  in  alignment   with    consciousness,  the precise
manner in which things get implemented becomes a nonissue. If the
underlying foundation is strong, the life built on that foundation is going
to be a constructive life. Again, it’s for this reason I placed the chapter
on discipline last—not to minimize its importance, but to stress that
unless discipline arises in a field of consciousness, it will be ineffective
in the long term.
To walk the path of parenting consciously, it’s unhelpful to adopt an
all-or-nothing approach. Instead, the savvy parent picks up a piece here
and a piece there, aware that even a tiny shift in the vibes in a family has
the power to alter the consciousness of the entire family. So keep in
mind as you read that the conscious way of parenting I’m depicting is
something we inch our way into.
I repeat: it all begins in this moment now, and in the most ordinary



Because parenting isn’t an intellectual exercise but a molecular,
energetic, moment-by-moment exchange in which our psyche interacts
with that of our children, unless we are conscious of how we are
influencing our children at any given moment, we will raise them without
heed to their true needs. For this reason, the ability to see—really see—
our children separate from who we are is our greatest gift to them.
Conversely, our greatest weakness as parents is our inability to honor a
child’s path as it emerges.

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