A Blow to Our Ego
o give your children the total acceptance they deserve will
expose you to the diamond of the spiritual tradition: the chance
to lose your ego.
As parents, it’s hard not to be egoic. By the very fact we say, “This is
my child,” we enter into ego. Indeed, we are rarely not in ego when it
comes to our children, for there is nothing we take more personally than
how they fare in school, how they look, who they marry, where they live,
and what they do for a living. Few parents can allow their children to
exist without seeing them as an extension of their own ego. I asked a
group of parents why they had children. Their answers included, “I
wanted to experience what it was like,” “I love children,” “I wanted to
become a mother,” “I wanted a family,” and, “I wanted to prove to
everyone I could be a good mother.” In each case, the reason for wanting
children was infused with ego. This is doubtless the case with many of
Parenting is a journey that tends to begin with a high level of egoic
narcissism, an energy we take into our relationship with our child. The
consequence is that we can easily, though in many cases inadvertently,
fall into the trap of using our children to fill some need in ourselves, all
the while under the illusion that we are loving, giving of ourselves, and
nurturing. We use them to try to heal our broken self, use them by
thrusting them into roles in the family that aren’t theirs by right, use