Parenting With Love and Logic: Teaching Children Responsibility

(lu) #1

be bought with the following words:

•           “I’m    not sure    what    to  do  about   this    right   now,    but I’ll    let you
• “You know, I’ve never been the parent of a five-year-old boy
before, so I’ll have to give this some thought. I’ll get back to
you on it.”
• “I’m not sure how to react to that. I’ll have to give it some

Then, if you really want to drive the point home, you can add, “Try not
to worry about it.” Chances are that doing so will ensure that your kids do
nothing but consider their actions over the next few days.
Giving ourselves time to consider consequences helps our kids too.
They have time to agonize over the possible consequences, and that is
quality thinking time.


Consequences    with    Humor

Love     and     Logic   emphasizes  consequences,   and     consequences    can
sometimes be painful. But let us never forget that Love and Logic
puts the pizzazz, zip, and fun into parenting and leadership in
general. People use Love and Logic because it makes them feel
good. Just like “a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down,”
creativity and a sense of humor can also help the consequences go
This leads me (Foster) to share a wonderful story with you
that was recently told to me after a workshop. I can take no
credit for it, and if I could credit the wonderful mom who told it
to me, of course I would.
My husband was the quiet — and sometimes drill sergeant —
type, and as we viewed your videotapes, he would sometimes
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