Parenting With Love and Logic: Teaching Children Responsibility

(lu) #1


Lights, Camera, Parenting!

I   have    taught  you the way of  wisdom;
I have led you in the paths
of uprightness.
When you walk, your step will
not be hampered;
and if you run, you will not stumble.
Proverbs 4:11-12

A fifty-year-old man approached a musician and asked, “Can you teach

me to play the trombone so I can play in the town civic band and in
parades and other things?”
“Sure,” the musician said.
“How long will it take?” the aspiring trombonist asked.
“Well,” the musician said, “I could teach almost anybody to play
anything he wanted to play in five years’ time.”
“Five years!” the would-be student said. “I’ll be fifty-five years old by
“Yes, you will,” the musician returned. “And how old will you be in
five years if you don’t learn how to play the trombone?”

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