Parenting With Love and Logic: Teaching Children Responsibility

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last a lifetime — long past the end of their adolescent years. And it is
never too late to work on that.
Our children are our most precious resource. They come to us with one
request: “During our short eighteen years with you, please teach us the
truth about life and prepare us to be responsible adults when we leave
home and enter the real world.” In the course of those eighteen years,
we’ll be faced with many challenges in parenting our kids. Our love will
be on the line every time they have a problem. That love has the potential
to be either ally or enemy — to either help our children learn what they
need to know, or to prevent them from growing to be responsible adults.
Let’s grant our kids’ request. Let’s love them enough to allow them to
learn the necessary and crucial skills of responsible thinking and living.

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