Parenting With Love and Logic: Teaching Children Responsibility

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Acreative child is a fun-to-be-around child. Children’s creativity fills us

with a strange mixture of surprise, joy, and pride. Truly creative children
are self-stimulating. They are motivated to accomplish on their own.
Creativity is a “doing” concept. No one can be creative while watching a
football game or watching TV. Creative children don’t whine, “What can
I do?” and “What can I watch?”
However, creativity is best when combined with self-discipline. If you
have a creative child who has no self-discipline, then you have raised “the
child from hell.” After all, it is creative to paint on top of wallpaper,
color the dog with nail polish, and shoot colored ink onto the ceiling with
a water pistol. Self-discipline and creativity are not related and are
independent variables. Self-disciplined children can be either creative or
not. And creative children can be self-disciplined or not. The kids who
are a real joy are creative and self-disciplined!

Encouraging Creativity in Early Toddlerhood

Creativity is strongly related to inquisitiveness. Toddlerhood is the most
important time for parents to encourage their children’s curiosity. During
these foundation years, the brain is very malleable and its growth is
completely dependent on environmental givens and expectations.
Amazingly, the brain is physically changed by what takes place during
infancy and toddlerhood.
Two to six are the ages of industry and initiative. Wise parents
encourage their children to explore the environment. Sadly, I often see a
toddler exploring the environment in an airport waiting area or the church

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