Parenting With Love and Logic: Teaching Children Responsibility

(lu) #1
LOW:    Low ambition.

HIGH:   High    resentment  of  those   who require them    to  achieve
through study and effort.
LOW: Low appreciation for the opportunity for an education.

HIGH:   High    demand  for entertainment   and excitement.
LOW: Low awareness of the sacrifices made by their parents.

HIGH:   High    willingness to  defy    society’s   traditional rules   and
LOW: Low respect for adults and leaders.

HIGH:   High    inclination to  find    substitute  “highs,”    such    as  alcohol
and drugs.
LOW: Low respect for society’s traditional rules.

These problems and beliefs don’t start when kids leave high school.
The foundation for these beliefs is created early in life. Actually, this
problem is started not by kids but by parents who fail to set reasonable
limits for behavior. It is normal for kids to want what they see advertised.
However, many parents don’t do a good job of helping their kids
distinguish between a want and a need. Young children don’t naturally
place limits on themselves; that is the parents’ job.
We often hear parents say, “I don’t know what’s wrong with kids. They
want all this stuff.” These parents act as if they don’t have a say in the
matter. This is not unlike the parents who can’t understand that the reason
their kids watch too much television is because they allow it. These are
the parents who have torn up their parent license. It doesn’t have to
happen to you. Wise parents do three things:

  1. Hold tight to their belief that kids need to learn how to get what
    they want through their own personal effort and struggle. After all,
    finding success after such efforts builds positive self-esteem.

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