Parenting With Love and Logic: Teaching Children Responsibility

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fact, if our relationship with our kids remains communicative, in the long
run our kids will generally pick friends we like.
Tori is about to leave the house to spend time with friends of whom her
father doesn’t approve.

TORI:   “Bye,   Dad.    I’m leaving.”
DAD: “Are you going out with Amber and Melissa?”
TORI: “Yeah, so?”
DAD: “So ... great! I’m just hoping, dear, that some of you rubs off
on them.”
TORI: “Oh, Dad.”
DAD: “Honey, I’m serious. Sometimes I just think those kids need
you around them. Maybe you’re a good influence on them or
TORI: “You don’t like them?”
DAD: “It’s not a matter of not liking them, Tori. I just worry
sometimes that life may not go as smoothly for those kids as I hope
yours goes for you. Have a good time.”

We may be pleasantly surprised when we get to know our children’s
friends. Our kids often see good in others that we simply don’t see. When
we get to know our kids’ friends, we may get to know more about our
kids too; we may come to understand why they’re attracted to certain

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