Parenting With Love and Logic: Teaching Children Responsibility

(lu) #1
negative    side    effects,    such    as  anger,  resentment, and the desire
for revenge.
• Our kids may someday choose our nursing homes.

Love and Logic techniques often leave children wishing for spankings.
We were first introduced to this idea when a student from Jim’s school,
where Jim was the principal, spilled the beans to his therapist. This
wonderful counselor, using some reverse psychology, asked this boy,
“Tony, do you really have to do what those teachers tell you? Maybe you
can get by without following the school rules.”
“Oh, no! Oh, no!” yelled Tony. “You have to do what they tell you! If
you don’t, you have to go to Mr. Fay’s office and think! I’m not going
through that again — no way!”
Unlike the previous principal, Jim refrained from using the paddle. The
simple rule in his office was that kids had to solve the problems they
created. They were constantly asking him for spankings instead.

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