hitting. Hitting hurts people. That’s 1.”
What have our tales from the trenches taught us? Kids can certainly
catch you off guard, for one thing! You have to be on your toes and—
to be fair to yourself and the children—you have to make reasonable
and fairly rapid decisions about which offenses are countable and
which are not. Good counting takes a little bit of practice, but once
you master the skill, you’ll wonder how you ever got along without
this sanity-saving technique.
Is it magic?
The “magic” of the 1-2-3 procedure is not in the counting itself.
The power of the method comes primarily from your ability to
accomplish two goals. Your first objective is to explain—when
necessary—and then keep quiet. Your second objective is to count as
calmly and unemotionally as you can.
Do these two things well and your children will start listening to