Three Things You Can Do to Raise Happy,
Healthy Kids
WE HAVE THREE SEPARATE parenting jobs that require different
strategies. Each of these parenting jobs is distinct, manageable, and
important. They also are interdependent; each relies to some extent on
the others for its success. Ignore any of these tasks at your own risk!
Do these three well, and you’ll be a pretty good mom or dad. The first
two parenting jobs involve discipline and behavior concerns, while
the third focuses on the parent-child relationship.
- Parenting Job 1 involves controlling obnoxious behavior. You
will never like or get along well with your children if they are
constantly irritating you with behavior such as whining,
arguing, teasing, badgering, tantrums, yelling, and fighting. In
this book you will learn how to use the 1-2-3 counting