1-2-3 Magic: 3-Step Discipline for Calm, Effective, and Happy Parenting

(Marcin) #1

Do you remember how you got married? Most of us started out by
dating another person. By and large, that meant having fun. Dating
was going to the movies, eating at restaurants, endless getting-to-
know-you talks, travel, shopping, parties with friends, and a whole
host of other activities.
Then we went on to make what was perhaps one of the most
illogical decisions of our entire existence. We reasoned as follows:
Think of all the fun we’re having now, and we’re not even married.
We’re only together half of the time. Once we’re together all the
time, our good times will double!
That’s what we believed. What was illogical about that thought
had to do with the fact that getting married is fundamentally a
decision to work together. Now we’ll plan the wedding, now we’ll get
jobs, now we’ll have a baby, now we’ll buy a condo, now we’ll
decorate the condo. The former fun got subordinated to work.
Gradually you realized your relationship was getting more strained,
and you looked at your spouse one day and thought: “You’re not as
much fun as you used to be.”

Quik    Tip

To like your kids you must enjoy them regularly. And for them to respond well to
your discipline, they must enjoy and like you too. That means only one thing:
you’d better find regular time to play with your children!
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