1-2-3 Magic: 3-Step Discipline for Calm, Effective, and Happy Parenting

(Marcin) #1

Parents are human beings who have good days and bad days. Many
people have used the 1-2-3 program religiously for years and years.
For other caregivers it is a struggle to stay consistent and remember
what they’re supposed to be doing.
The problem we’re talking about here is called “slipping,” or
falling off the wagon. It means you start out well with 1-2-3 Magic,
get the kids shaped up, but then slip back into your old unproductive
ways of operating. The 1-2-3 Magic switch goes to the off position.
The former status quo has a nasty way of sneaking back up on us.
Falling off the wagon can occur suddenly on an especially bad day, or
slipping can happen more gradually over months or even years.
In the course of a day there’s always so much going on. You have
to go to work, drive the kids all over the place, feed everybody,
answer phone calls, help with homework, call your mother, and try to
find a little time to read the paper. When you’re doing nine things at
once, who can remember the No Talking and No Emotion Rules?
You can! It’s not always easy, but it beats arguing and screaming,
which only add to your troubles and make you feel angry and guilty
later. Remember: 1-2-3 Magic was written for busy parents like
yourself who are inevitably going to get upset from time to time.

Quik    Tip

When you’re doing nine things at once, who can remember the No Talking and
No Emotion Rules? You can!
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