1-2-3 Magic: 3-Step Discipline for Calm, Effective, and Happy Parenting

(Marcin) #1

across the room, and all you have to do is say, “That’s 1” or “That’s
2,” and you don’t have to get up or yell or scream or do something
worse that you’ll be sorry for later...the first time you do that, you’re
going to feel really good!
Some parents ask, “My child always takes us to 2. Don’t you think
he’s manipulating us?” The answer is no. Why? Because what really
drives people crazy is 42! Or 72—a child who has to be told a
thousand times before he’ll shape up. Two times is not so bad.
Remember, if the child hits 3, that’s it—time for a time-out.

Quik    Tip

If your child does something dangerous or extreme, don’t count and give them
three chances to stop. Go straight to 3!

Other parents ask, with good reason, “What if my son or daughter
does something that’s so bad I don’t want to give them three chances
to stop doing it?” That’s a good question. For example, what if your
child hits you? In that case, it would be ridiculous to say, “That’s 1,”
and give him two more chances to sock away. If in your opinion the
behavior is extraordinarily bad, you simply say, “That’s 3. Take five,
and add fifteen more for the seriousness of the offense.”
Let’s look at another example. What if your seven-year-old learns
a bad word on the playground? He doesn’t know what it means, but he
wants to try it out on you. So at eight thirty when you say it’s time to

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