
(Brent) #1

6 Speed Math for Kids
I am now going to show you the speed mathematics way of working
this out. Th e fi rst step is to draw circles under each of the numbers.
Th e problem now looks like this:
8 × 6 =
We now look at each number and ask, how many more do we need
to make 10?
We start with the 8. If we have 8, how many more do we need to
make 10?
Th e answer is 2. Eight plus 2 equals 10. We write 2 in the circle
below the 8. Our equation now looks like this:
8 × 6 =
We now go to the 6. How many more to make 10? Th e answer is 4.
We write 4 in the circle below the 6.
Th is is how the problem looks now:
8 × 6 =
We now take away, or subtract, crossways or diagonally. We either
take 2 from 6 or 4 from 8. It doesn’t matter which way we subtract—
the answer will be the same, so choose the calculation that looks
easier. Two from 6 is 4, or 4 from 8 is 4. Either way the answer is 4.
You only take away one time. Write 4 after the equals sign.
8 × 6 = 4

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