Children's Illustrated Dictionary.

(John Hannent) #1

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
How the entries work

This tells you how to
write a noun when there
is more than one of the
thing it is referring to.
Here,rams is the plural
of the headword ram.

Tenses of verbs
These three forms of
the verb share show
how it is written
in the present,
continuous present,
and past tenses.
These tenses are
explained on page 4.

This part of the
entry explains what
the headword means.
If a word has more than
one meaning, the first
meaning given is
normally the one that
is most common.
Other meanings are
listed below.


This tells you the word
that is the opposite
of the headword. For
is the opposite of
the headword rare.


The two forms of an adjective that are
shown here are called the comparative and
superlative. They are explained on page 5.
Rarer means “more rare” and rarest
means “the most rare.”

Pronunciation guide
This guide helps you to pronounce
difficult words. It respells the
word so that you can sound out
the letters. Part of the guide is in
heavy, black type. This shows you
which part of the word to stress,
or say more loudly.

Related words
Other words that are
related to the
headword are listed
here. This related
is the adjective
that comes from
the headword

Part of speech
This shows whether
the word is a noun, verb,
adjective, interjection,
adverb, or preposition.
Find out more about
parts of speech on
pages 4–5.

Sample sentence
The sentence that follows the definition gives
you an example of how the headword is used. In
the sample sentence the headword is always
written in heavy, black type like this: shared.

The headword is printed
at the start of the entry.
This shows you how to
spell the word.

rams noun
1 a male sheep.

2 a device for pushing against
something with force.

They used the log as a ram
to break down the door.
ram verb

shares sharing shared
1 to have or
use together.
2 to divide
something into
parts to give
to others.

the energy released by the
center of atoms breaking up
in some substances. High
amounts of radioactivity can
be harmful to living things.

They tested for radioactivity
outside the nuclear
power plant.
N say ray-dee-oh-ak-tiv-i-tee
radioactive adjective

unusual or not common.

A rare blue
morpho butterfly.
N comparisons rarer rarest
N opposite common

They shared the melon.
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