The Explosive Child: A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically I

(sharon) #1
194 The Explosive Child

other words, he left. He went into the other room.
That’s something he would never have done
before. But you followed him.
Mother: I did, didn’t I.
Therapist: So we have some more work to do. But
we’re getting there.

For children with linguistic impairments, language
therapists can also be very helpful at facilitating many of
the pragmatic skills discussed in this and the preceding
chapter; specifically, helping children label their emo-
tions, identify and articulate their frustrations, and think
through solutions.

Executive Skills

Let’s think back on some of the executive skills re-
viewed in chapter 3: organization and planning, shifting cog-
nitive set, and separation of affect. How does Plan B address
difficulties a child might be having in these domains?
Well, Plan B provides your child with an organized, struc-
tured, predictable framework for solving problems and
helps him consider a range of possible solutions (besides
the first thing that pops into his head) and anticipate the
likely outcomes of alternative solutions. Proactive B can
help you and your child solve the predictable problems

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