My kids can : making math accessible to all learners, K–5

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of the deck in a particular order, or they saw two digits that got close to 100, such
as 8 and 9 and thought that would be a good starting point. So, I decided on day
two to have them work together with my guidance. I allowed them to get started
before checking in with them.

TEACHER: Hi, girls. How are we doing?
TEACHER: I know that when we played this game the other day, you both
kept getting really high scores. You know the object of the game is to get as
close to 100 as possible. Why do you think you were getting such high
STEPHANIE: I guess I didn’t get really good cards.
ANA: Yeah, me either.
TEACHER: Well, sometimes that does happen. You might have all high
cards in front of you or even all low cards. Let’s look at what you have in
front of you now. What can we do? [cards in the order as they were in front of
the students: Stephanie has 7, 5, 4, 2, 9, 3; Ana has 5, 9, 9, 2, 0, 3]
ANA: I see 92 and that is really close to 100. So I think I can use that.
TEACHER: If you use 92, how much more does it take to get to 100?
ANA:[counting on the 100 chart] 8.
TEACHER: What should we do?
ANA: I don’t have an 8, maybe I should use 3.

At this point I wondered if Ana saw that she could have added 5, instead of 3,
to get even closer, but I was pleased with what she had done. I needed to keep
watching because I noticed that she used the cards in the order that they were
in front of her. Would she have chosen the 5 if it was in the same place as the
3? It was also important for me to explicitly ask Ana how much more to get to

  1. This is a strategy that she can work with when left to play the game with
    her partner.

TEACHER: OK, Stephanie, it’s your turn now. Ana got close to 100. Ana,
how many more did you need to get to 100?
ANA: 5 more.
TEACHER: Stephanie, what can you think about?
STEPHANIE: I see the 92 like Ana had and the 3 she used, but I don’t have
a 0 so I don’t think that will work.
TEACHER: I like the way you are looking at all the digits. You can move the
cards around if you need to.
STEPHANIE:[looking over to the strategy chart] I see 75. That means I need 25
more for 100.

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