Block One Drama
In this chapter, I will address the common problems in the first week
of potty training. If you are having difficulties, read through all the
drama chapters. Problems can crop up at any point in potty training,
not just during Block One. Separating problems by block is just my
attempt to keep an overwhelming amount of information
Okay. So you are making your way through Block One of potty
training. I’m sure you are exhausted. It’s very odd how exhausting
watching your child is, huh?
You are most likely reading this chapter because you are unsure of
how things are going. Or you know for a fact things are not going
well. You may have a great feeling, or you may be devastated. Or
confused. Or unsure. Yes, you will run the gamut of emotions for the
next week, I’m sure. Regardless of how you’re feeling about potty
training, do not let a successful (or failed) poop or pee in the potty
determine your emotional state. In fact, it’s a good idea never to let
your toddler’s behavior dictate your emotional state, though I know
that’s easier said than done. Remember, though, potty training
progress is not a measurement of your parenting abilities nor of how
smart your child is.