“My head is not going to explode or anything.” Essentially,
acknowledge that he’s still learning while consistently reinforcing the
idea that pee goes in the potty.
The two seconds you turned your back . . . You’ve hardly been
breathing, watching like a hawk for her pee-pee dance, a sign, a
twitch, a signal. Nada. So you have to pee or get more coffee (or
beer) and the two freaking seconds your back is turned, she pees right
there on the floor. Argh. How is this possible? Well, there’s good
news: this kid is well on her way to being potty trained. If she can
hold it until the two seconds you turn your back, yep, that kid is
almost done potty training. Think about it. Most likely, this is her
way of asking for privacy. Remember, even though we don’t think of
it this way, a diaper conceals bodily functions, so it provides some
privacy, right? Even though we see and clean up the messy diaper
afterward, she still had privacy during the act of eliminating. Now
her bum’s in the breeze and there’s no privacy. It’s very cool to want
privacy. It’s the natural progression of potty training. So give her
some. When you think it’s about time for her to go, set her up on the
potty and conveniently “forget” something in the other room. If she’s
using an insert on the big potty, it’s the same deal, and you can close
the bathroom door partially. Nine times out of ten, she’ll pee the
second you leave the room. This goes for poop, too.
Also, whenever you have to pee during the beginning phases of
potty training, bring your child with you. This is a great thing to do
together. It normalizes and models the behavior. It’s an all-around