get a good pee in the potty. Then throw on some clothes for a very
small outing. Bracket the day’s activities around pees, trying to
ensure that you’re home and your child has a naked bum for the times
when he needs to go. Between pees, do small errands or activities
outside. Many parents feel like this is cheating, but it’s not. Or it is,
and I don’t care. The most valuable outcome here is that your child
will feel pride and accomplishment. These will provide the ongoing
Between Block One and Block Two, parents often try to rush
things a bit. Get pants on the kid. Get out of the house. Get the kid
fully potty trained. Part of the reason for clearing your social calendar
is to be able to be able to have an, “Eh, whatever,” attitude about the
whole thing. If you rush things, you’ll be kicking out those blocks of
success! They are vital. Without them, your tower is going to be very
unstable, if it stands at all. Take your time and set your child up to
Another thing: be sure you are taking care of yourself. Yes, this
can be tiring. Yes, have some wine. But do not stay up late or eat a
ton of junk. We need you sane and rested so you can be the most
effective teacher possible, yeah?