Oh Crap! Potty Training

(Barry) #1


Block Two and Three Dilemmas

At this point, you should feel pretty comfortable that your child,

while bare bummed, can sit and pee on the potty. Remember: it’s
okay if you are still prompting. Prompting counts as success, and your
child needs it. Remember, though: don’t overprompt (she says to the
mom holding a knife). By now, you may have started with pants, or
your child may still be butt nekkid, or you may be doing a mix of the

Resistance!!! (Woo-hoo!)

This phase of potty training can bring about resistance. Regardless of
what block you are on, resistance usually hits on the second day of
potty training. Your kid is thinking, “This was okay when we started.
But now . . . oh no, you might possibly be serious about this peeing-
in-the-potty thing.” The second day of potty training is most
commonly the day when parents without a plan (ahem, this book)
give up. They think the resistance is a sign that the child is not ready.
In reality, nothing could be farther from the truth. If your child is
able to put up a fight for something he wants, he’s more than ready to

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