third day. As with any major milestone, mastering the potty takes
time, and having a “potty prodigy” is highly unlikely. It can happen,
yes. But I don’t want you to feel weird or like you’re doing a crappy
job if it doesn’t.
Side note for a second: I really believe potty training pains are like
labor pains. I think they get fuzzy around the edges with time. Most
of the people who say their kid upped and decided not to wear diapers
on his own have a kid older than yours. Or they’re new in town. For
whatever reason, you can’t really verify their story. I hear about the
“potty prodigy” all the time from moms on the playground. In reality,
though, I hang around with a lot of moms and potty training is my
job, and I’ve yet to see with my own eyes the kid who just potty trains
himself in hours. Just want you to know that so your head doesn’t
blow off.
Another important thing to remember is that every child has her
own learning methods and curve. It’s okay if she doesn’t take to potty
training as quickly as you expected. It doesn’t mean your child is not
Having said that, here are some very common problems in Block
Two of potty training.
Peeing Right Through the Pants
Your kid did great with Block One. Great. You knew she was ready to
move on. Got her up, took off the diaper, she peed first thing, you put
her in some pants, and she’s peeing right the hell through them all.
It’s 11:30 a.m. and you have seven pairs of soaking pants. WTF,