was it. I reminded Kat that she’s a big girl now and doesn’t use diapers anymore
(except for sleeping, but I didn’t remind her of that). She’s acting like a big girl at
mealtimes, too, not wanting to wear a bib and wanting to use grown-up utensils &
plates! This has only been since potty training. She’s been nursing more often today,
but I think all the big girl responsibility is getting to her. I have to remind myself not
to call her my baby. I just wanted to say thank you, Jamie! And I’m so glad I stuck it
Wet pants can be part of the learning process. Overall, if the child
is not getting pee in the potty, what you should be looking for are
signs of:
Distaste: they should feel yucky and it should register.
Apologetic: any version of sorry.
Dismay: they are bothered that this happened.
Hiding: they are trying to hide it from you (this can also be flat-out denial that they
peed their pants).
Any of those signs show that your child is aware of and has
negative feelings about peeing her pants. This is when you would use
the half naked/half clothed technique. She probably needs a tiny bit
more learning and a bit more confidence in her own abilities.
If your child pees her pants and registers nothing at all, it’s
definitely time for another naked day. At least one more. Remember
the timeline: Clueless to I Peed to I’m Peeing to I Have to Go Pee.
Still No Poop
Okay, so you’re on Block Two and you still haven’t gotten a poop.
Your child may be showing signs of discomfort and/or crankiness.
Keep your eyes peeled; you can be sure a poop is coming eventually.