The Red Solo Cup Trick
The Red Solo Cup Trick to the rescue. Made famous by country
music and drinking college students everywhere. It is oh-so-much
more than an unbreakable drinking container. It is also a most
excellent Insta-Porta-Potty.
Don’t laugh, I’m serious.
Now, first off . . . it doesn’t have to be red or Solo brand. Any
wide-mouth, deep container will do. And clearly, this is a better trick
for boys . . . but actually can work surprisingly well for girls, too.
I personally discovered the RSC idea because I have one
bathroom. Invariably—and I do mean always—the minute I would sit
to pee, my son would announce that he also had to pee. He was well
beyond the little potty stage by this time, and I really didn’t want to
encourage peeing in, say, the tub. So I started keeping a RSC under
the sink, tucked away so guests didn’t ask questions and no one could
mistake it for a drinking vessel.
Here are just a few additional ideas for the Red Solo Cup:
In the early stages of potty training, the cup is great if your child
needs some “switching up”; sometimes they start resisting the potty
just because they’re sick of all the hoopla around it.
The RSC is good if you have a child who’s having trouble relaxing
and releasing the pee. The cup allows him to focus only on releasing,
rather than having to worry about sitting, too.
It is easy to keep a cup in every room, just for emergencies.
Remember, at first you only have a few seconds’ warning to get to the
If your child is resistant to leaving the activity he’s immersed in,