Oh Crap! Potty Training

(Barry) #1

  1. “Kind of potty trained”

  2. “Mostly potty trained”

  3. “Clueless”

  4. The “child from hell”

So let’s go through each category and figure out what went wrong
and how to fix it.

The “Kind of Potty Trained” Child

This most often results from a “let’s just put out the pot” or a “we’re
just being really casual about this” attitude. Translation: you haven’t
really committed. Once you commit to potty training, your child’s
abilities will follow in short order.
Where to go from here? Just pick a day and begin. Follow all the
instructions in chapter 5, “Ditch the Diapers! The How-To.” This
child is just waiting for you to show up with consistency. It doesn’t
much matter what the specifics are.
Maybe you haven’t committed because he hasn’t really shown
much interest. To this, I say, he may never show that much interest.
My son didn’t show any interest in learning to tie his shoes. In fact,
he said he didn’t want to. I bought only tie shoes and he learned. It
came down to the fact that I knew he was capable of it. Don’t make the
mistake of waiting for your child. There’s a great quote I keep hearing
from parents again and again: “Wow. It’s like he was just waiting for
me to take off the diapers.” Yes. Your child expects you to take the
lead in life. It’s good.
The “kind of potty trained” child is an easy fix. With consistency

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