first and he can show them all how to do it. If he’s the last, use it.
Tell him he wants to be a big kid like the other kids. If there are
others at the same stage, use it. Tell him who else is doing this so he’s
not alone.
If day cares use a reward system, it’s fine. Just stay steady at home
with no rewards. If you child asks for one at home, simply say, “Oh,
no. That only happens at school, honey.” In my experience, it’s never
been a problem or confusing. Not ideal, but the school has to deal
with that potential treat monster. The children I’ve worked with
have never had an issue with things being different at home.
Those are all the big things. You don’t want to overwhelm your
day care with a huge list of instructions. You should get a feel for how
they are going to be with this by asking a few simple questions. A
sample conversation might go something like this:
“Hi! We’re going to start potty training Sally over the long
weekend. We believe the best approach is to remove daytime diapers.
We’d be delighted if you could help us in this process. How do you
typically handle potty training? I’m sure you have vast experience.
We’d like to combine forces with you for the most successful outcome
for Sally.
“Do you take the children who are potty training to the washroom
at certain intervals? How often? How many accidents do you ‘allow’
before requesting a diaper be put on?
“As long as Sally is showing progress I’m sure we can work on this
“I really value you as Sally’s care provider. We feel the timing is
right for potty training. Anything we can do to assist you, please let
us know.”