In saying this, you’ve stated what you would like in no uncertain
terms, you’ve done a fair amount of transparent ass kissing, and
you’ve stated how much you value the day care. All good things.
You most likely will get a response like, “We’ll work with you
however you’re doing it.” Sounds great, but ask more questions! I’ve
had so many parents gloss over this and end up with a nightmare.
I don’t know why, but day cares can cop an attitude regarding who
knows more about child development. They may say, “It won’t
happen till age three,” or “Children can only potty train in pull-ups.”
Somehow it becomes a little power struggle about who knows best.
The best way is simply to state your desires for your child. A good day
care will do their best to work with you. What a day care is not
allowed to do is to rediaper your child without your permission,
unless there’s an emergency, such as an episode of diarrhea.
Quick tangent: I potty trained Pascal at twenty-two months. He
was at a lovely home day care. The caregiver completely thought he
was too young to potty train. Now, this might have been a cultural
difference because she was fine with her five-year-old drinking from a
bottle. I told her he was doing great at home and we’d not had one
single accident. She was appalled at his going commando. It was
summer, and she felt that when he was playing, everyone could see
his penis. I was like, who cares? They’re all under two! She fought me
on the nap diaper. I offered to bring in my own mattress and sheets
for the crib. She refused. Anyway, it was a huge battle. I told her in
no uncertain terms that he was not to be in a diaper. One day, I
arrived there earlier than usual for pick up. He had a diaper on with
his underwear over it! It was crazy. We switched day cares that day.