Elimination Communication
This chapter is for you if you’ve used Elimination Communication
(EC) in any form. Elimination Communication is the practice of
using your child’s cues to help them eliminate their waste. For some,
it looks like no diaper use, ever. For others, it’s a combination of
using diapers and not. It doesn’t really matter how long you’ve ECed
or how consistently. I want to personally say thank you for saving us
all x amount of landfill space! I have worked with many EC experts
over the years, and I will share everything I know about getting from
EC to potty trained. Some of what I have to say is probably going to
raise your ire at first. I ask you to please read and absorb with an open
mind. I’ve worked extensively with ECers, and this is what I’ve found
to be true. I have no interest in arguing. My only interest is getting
your child to pee and poop on the potty. I’m going to hit the main
points I’ve personally run into with clients. If some of this doesn’t
apply, just disregard.
Most of my former ECers come to me when their kids are
somewhere between sixteen and twenty-four months. I’ve heard of
some EC kids who are not yet potty trained at thirty-six months and
beyond. I’m not sure what to think about that.
Now, you’re reading this, which means regardless of current EC