her. She kept yelling, “I’ve been at this for months!!! When is it
going to be over???” And I kept saying, “We’re on the fourth day of
potty training!” We had to really look at it like EC was wonderful
and then it stopped, and then potty training began, and it was its own
process. Once she made peace with this, it eased everything up for
Potty Strike
A lot of moms write in that at some point their child started arching
and resisting the process. I actually think that is the signal to start in
with potty training. In PT, almost all resistance is caused by us being
too focused on the process. By hovering and overprompting. I really
think this is the reason for the resistance in EC. You have been
catching pee for a long time, and it’s all you are probably thinking
about. All my ECers come to me with pee logs. Ditch them. You
don’t need a pee log. You know your child. I really do believe when
you edge off the process and start prompting them to go on their own,
they will step up.
Differences in the Actual Day-to-Day PTing
So, I encourage you to do the first few days as I’ve laid out here. It’s
really just that physically moving your child to the potty when they
are midpee. That’s the most important step.
The only real difference if you’ve been ECing is that you don’t put