I recommended she go back to that first naked day. She really
fought me. She didn’t think he needed to go back. She felt that he
had made enough progress that he didn’t need to go backward.
But in a case like this and maybe in yours, we need to know where it
went wrong. You can’t go back and fix something if you don’t know
what went wrong in the first place. Right? And clearly, something
went wrong. It’s about going back and getting those blocks of
learning, those phases, rock solid. And playing around with them if
they are not.
In short, Mary went back and did the progression of blocks like I
laid out. And it clicked for Dillon. We never did get an “ah-ha!” as to
what went wrong. It wasn’t very clear to either of us. But just going
back and doing it all in order made it work for Dillon.
The best analogy I can make is, say a kid has learned twenty letters
of the alphabet. That’s a good chunk of the alphabet, right? But kind
of useless without the other six letters. Now, you can’t just throw
those letters at the kid and expect him to put them in order. You
have to start at A and then go to B and insert the letters into the
alphabet. I know and you know that he’s got A and B, but without
going back over them, the kid will have no frame of reference with
regard to the other six letters.
Same thing with whatever struggles you are having with potty
training. I don’t know what went wrong, and I’m guessing you don’t
know what went wrong. So just start over. The parts he’s got will just
be review. And as with Mary, I wouldn’t look for some big “ah-ha!”
I’ve done this with thousands of kids. I know, know, know this