The Reset
I’ve coined the term “Reset” for those instances in which, for
whatever reason, potty training has completely unraveled and you
need a do-over. An erase. A start again.
The Reset can be used only once. It is NO GOOD if used more
than once. It means you rediaper your child and forgo all things potty
and potty training. The optimal length of a Reset is two to four
weeks. Any shorter isn’t enough time, and any longer can create more
“addiction” to the diaper.
The best way to tell if you need a Reset is if you are at the end of
your rope. By this, I don’t mean you’re feeling the normal exhaustion
and frustration that the first few days of potty training can bring.
Rather, the Reset is for those of you that have given it your all, and I
do mean your all. I want your child potty trained, yes. But I also want
you sane and your home harmonious. If you are feeling strung out, a
little insane, and you’ve been cleaning pee off the floor for more than
two weeks, consider a Reset. If your entire life revolves around trying
to figure out when this kid is gonna let loose, and you have no other
thoughts besides potty training, consider a Reset.
There are two major times to do a Reset.