Oh Crap! Potty Training

(Barry) #1


My Final Answers

Final answers. These are answers to the questions I get asked over

and over. In theory, there are no stupid questions but in reality . . .
well . . .
Basically, all the answers below are concepts that are fully
explained in this book but, I’m often asked again anyway, so here are
my unadulterated sassy final answers.

Do I really need a little potty?
This is of course, your call. However, my final answer: YES. If you
want to foster independence, you will need a little potty. It also
creates a better squat for easy elimination. Most parents who try to go
without one end up at Target at midnight after the first day of potty
training to buy one. It’s just easier to start off with one.

Can’t I just try underwear? I’m afraid of . . .
My final answer: yes. You can always try underwear. If you have
some notion in your head that commando is weird or creepy, go
inward and investigate that. I have heard some people are afraid of
infection. I have never, ever seen this happen. I don’t recommend
panties in at least the first two weeks. If you want to try them, that’s

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