Oh Crap! Potty Training

(Barry) #1

out-of-control behavior. Just warning you. Again, discipline does not
have to be mean. It means having a boundary and following through.

Our house setup is really poorly and the bathroom is far away . . .
what can I do?
My final answer: move. I’m kind of kidding, kind of not. That’s up
to you to figure out. I can’t change your house. You can have small
potties all around the house or even plastic party cups in every room.
Get creative. But it’s your house.

I feel like my child is really ready, but everyone is really coming
down on me to not do this. I don’t want to push him.
My final answer: f**k everyone. You are your child’s parent. You
are the expert. If you feel in your gut that your child is ready to potty
train, you should not let anyone tell you any different. You should
also not post on Facebook about it. I can’t give you the courage. You
have to find that yourself. I trust you and your gut. That’s it.

I only have about four days to do this, and then we are traveling
all summer long. But if I wait, I’m afraid I’ll miss the window of
My final answer: if you child is going to be three or older during
this time frame, you need to take a break from travel and do this.
Now. If your child is under thirty months, I suggest waiting. Four days
is not nearly long enough to have this under their belt. I get many
versions of this question. Again . . . I can’t change your schedule for
you. I can tell you this is a process. The more under pressure you are

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