to get it down, the bigger a failure you will have. You will unwittingly
put too much pressure on your child and it will not go well.
My child HATES being naked. What else can I do?
My final answer: your child needs to be, at the very least,
bottomless. You will not catch the pees unless you can see them
starting. By the time the moisture is through the fabric, your child
will be empty and the lesson will be lost.
It’s freezing here in _____. Does he HAVE to be naked?
My final answer: see my previous answer. Jack up your heat for a
day or two.
We’re living at my in-laws’, and I don’t want any pee on the
floor . . .
My final answer: when you take off the diaper, accidents are bound
to happen. I cannot guarantee that no pee will end up on the floor.
You will also be prone to freak out if some does, which will derail
potty training. I cannot change your situation for you. You may have
to wait until you have other living arrangements.
My kid HAS to have his bottle of milk before bed. He will pitch a
huge fit if he doesn’t, what can I do?
My final answer: you are the boss in your house. Ditch the bottle.
Unless you are brushing his teeth right after the bottle, you are
contributing to your child’s tooth decay. Yes, even with milk. If you
still want to keep this practice, go for it. Night training will be hard.
Your child will not be able to hold his pee that long. Of course, that’s