Let it go! I know all this probably seems overwhelming. Don’t worry.
It’s a lot of information that will become second nature in a short
amount of time. You and your child will find your groove. Give your
child the gift of responsibility and back off. There’s a fine line
between watching your child and hovering; learn the difference.
Additional Issues
Beware the two-year molars. If your child suddenly starts having
accidents, it could be she’s teething. Teething the two-year molars,
based upon my own observation, is hell. While all sorts of
preteething goes on, when the teeth actually break the surface of the
gums is the worst for your child. It can bring fevers, diarrhea, and
really “off” behavior. Do whatever it is you do to manage the pain,
and do your best to maintain the status quo.
Getting Sick a Couple of Days into Potty Training
It’s bizarre how often a kid will get sick a day or two into potty
training. If it’s a minor cold or is otherwise bearable in general, try to
muddle through and expect just to stay afloat. If the sickness is not
minor and your child is lethargic or bed-bound, it’s okay to rediaper
and start fresh when he is himself again. He won’t learn anything
while he’s sick anyway, so it almost doesn’t count. Under these