circumstances, rediapering doesn’t damage the process at all. Most
kids seem to recognize that they aren’t capable when they’re ill. We
also want your child focused on resting and healing, not learning.
Travel in the Early Stages of Potty Training
Many people have to travel soon into potty training, or live in
remote areas where it’s a long way to go grocery shopping. Depending
on how your child is doing—and you will have a good sense of this
about a week in—you have a few options. You could put a piddle pad
(also called Chux) down in the car seat. These are big plastic squares
with an absorbent middle—think disposable diaper spread out thin.
It’s also perfectly acceptable to use a “travel diaper.” I would actually
call it that so your child understands it’s out of the norm—it’s a “just
in case.” If you choose to use a travel diaper, put it on last minute
before leaving and take it off immediately upon arrival. You should
also try your hardest to honor any pee calls even if your child is
wearing the diaper. The travel diaper is especially useful for long
plane rides. This is because traveling with a toddler is stressful
enough, never mind having to keep a keen eye on the potty situation.
Everything—but everything—is better when Mama’s stress level is
kept hovering around sane.
Hiring Out the Potty Training
Don’t be afraid to enlist help. I had a mom take my class and then I