ran into her a month later. I asked her how it went and she said,
“Fantastic. I hired my babysitter to do it. My daughter is totally potty
trained.” Hire it out if you want to! Most times this works extremely
well because others aren’t nearly as invested as we the parents are.
There’s no shame in getting help.
Swim Diapers
These are fine in the early stages of potty training. The circumstances
around swimming are special enough that using them doesn’t create
confusion, and won’t derail the process. What will derail the process
is having your child be the one who poops in the pool, and everyone
has to get out, and all eyes are on you . . . and not in a good way. Just
put the diaper on your child at the same time as the swimsuit. Be sure
to get a pee before getting into the pool and upon getting out.
The same goes for the beach and lake. Use your judgment, though.
If you have a beach house and are spending eight hours a day on the
beach, you don’t want her in a swim diaper the whole time. You
should encourage your child to get out of the water if she feels the
need to pee or poop. And you should honor this request as if there
weren’t a diaper on. I know it can be inconvenient, but you are not
using a diaper for convenience. You are using it so a big glaring
accident doesn’t ruin your life for a day.