Oh Crap! Potty Training

(Barry) #1

edge, teach him to wipe it off with some toilet paper. Future
generations of women will thank you.

Circumcised vs. Uncircumcised

Is there a difference in potty training for circumcised versus
uncircumcised penises? The answer is no. The process is exactly the
same. I have noticed that with the foreskin intact, the penis hangs
down a bit more, which makes aiming a bit easier at first. Also, there
have been questions as to whether the foreskin could hold a
minireservoir of pee. Again, no. If you’ve got a dribbler, it’s the kid,
not the penis.
Okay. That’s all I’ve got on penises. If you’ve got a random penis
question, feel free to ask. I’d prefer it relate to potty training, but hey,
I’m open to any random penis question. I can’t say I’m an expert
but . . . you know . . .

Other Questions and Their Answers

When can I move the potty chair to the bathroom?

This is a question I get asked a lot. It is totally your call. Usually, it
happens when you get sick of the potty chair being in the living room
(or playroom or kitchen). A lot of this will depend on your house
setup. There will be an indefinable moment when you know your
child can make it to the bathroom. There’s usually just a natural

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