Dad’s Cheat Sheet
(Once again, I mean no slight to Dads who are reading this and
taking part in potty training. I know you’re busy, so here’s a quick
Hey, dads. So listen. This potty training thing has to be done at
some point. The earlier the better. Yes, I know you probably don’t
want to deal with it when you are tired and come home at the end of
the day. And your partner might be a little insane for a few days.
It’s all good. This is temporary. All of it. Your kid is going to be so
proud of himself when he’s done. You will be so proud when he’s
done. And you won’t be spending any more money on diapers. Yay!
So please, please, do right by your child and help with this as much as
Here are the major points to remember:
• Your kid is untrustworthy at this point. You cannot just ask him if he has to go.
He’ll say “no,” ’cause it’s his favorite word, and then you are screwed.
• Don’t ask, period. Never ask if he has to go. Tell and bring. If you see or know he’s
got to go—he’s dancing around, looking uncomfortable—you say, “Come. Time to
• Use your own leverage as Dad. Your kid loves you in a really special way that is
different than how he loves Mom. Use that power for good. Enjoy whatever special
time you two have together, but make him pee first.
• Video games, wrestling, TV watching . . . pee first. Say that. “You pee first, and then
we’ll . . .”
• Don’t act helpless. You know your kid just as well as your partner, but in a different