Oh Crap! Potty Training

(Barry) #1
I   Have    to  Go  Pee.    Look    for progress    along   that    timeline.
• Do not bribe or try to convince your child to use the potty. Blend it in with other
tasks; “Let’s clean up your blocks and go potty and wash hands and then eat lunch.”

Block Two: Peeing and Pooping on the Potty, with Clothes

On (Commando), with Prompting or Without

Remember that Block Two is the crux of potty training. Most kids do
fine naked; it’s putting clothes on that changes everything. For some
kids, wetting a few pairs of pants is perfectly normal before clicking.

•    Use     elastic-waist   pants   for     greater     independence    and     because     they’re    faster   to
• It’s okay to bounce between Blocks One and Two for a day or two. Get a good pee
on the potty and then put some pants on for a while.
• If poop is happening in the pants, go back to Block One.
• Dresses are fine for little girls (and boys, if they like them).
• It’s okay to take off pants when you see your child’s signal.
• Even if your child begins to self-initiate, you should still prompt. Consistent self-
initiating should not be expected.
• If you are being met with resistance, back off. You are most likely hovering or
• Use the throwaway prompt; remind your child to remind herself. “Your potty is
right over there. Let me know if you need help when you need it.”
• Use the phrase “After you go pee, then we can . . . .” Don’t let this slip into bribery.
There’s a big difference.

Block Three: Peeing and Pooping on the Potty in Different

Situations, with Prompting or Without

Yay! Block Three is all about leaving the house! Public restrooms can

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