Oh Crap! Potty Training

(Barry) #1

that: routine. But can you imagine if the parents hadn’t “pushed” the
We’re going to hit resistance a bit later in the book, for sure. But
for now, I don’t want you to think any part of potty training is
pushing your child to do something he’s not capable of doing. No one
goes into potty training thinking, I’m gonna push this to the max. This
kid is going to potty train whether she likes it or not, right? I mean, no one
does that. Well, not anyone who’s bought this book anyway. Those
kind of parents don’t usually make up my clientele.
However, I do see this happen all the time:
“Johnny, do you have to go? Do you have to pee now? Come on,
let’s go pee. Please? Mommy’s going. Do you want to come with me?
Come on, Johnny, I’m serious now. Story time is soon, and we have to
pee before we leave. I know you have to pee, you haven’t peed all
morning. Come ON. I want you to pee right now. Look, you’re doing
a little dance. Come on, buddy, let’s go pee. Please?
Nooooo . . . that’s not aggressive at all.
This is from the very parents who don’t want to “push” their
children. I don’t know about you, but it sounds awfully pushy to me.
Most people don’t even realize how much pressure they are putting
on their child just by bugging him to death. A big part of potty
training, as I teach it, is giving your child responsibility and following
through with trust.

Sound Bite 2: “Once your child is potty trained, accidents won’t happen.”

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